Interesting Facts about the Top 10 Asian animals

Howard White
5 min readOct 19, 2022


Interesting Facts about the Top 10 Asian animals
Interesting Facts about the Top 10 Asian animals

In the Northern and Eastern hemispheres, Asia is the world’s most populous and largest continent, with the world’s longest coastline and the highest and lowest points on the planet’s surface. Deserts, mountains, woods, tropical jungles, and urban environments are all examples of habitats. As a result of the large and varied environment, as well as the presence of various inaccessible places, Asian wildlife is equally diverse. So here is the list of the top 10 Asian animals that are a wow worth.

Giant panda

Giant panda
Giant panda

The Giant Panda of China is a global emblem and China’s national treasure that has been reclassified from “endangered” to “vulnerable” due to the country’s significant conservation efforts. The giant panda is one of the most well-known top 10 Asian animals, thanks to its distinctive black and white coat. It is found in South Central China’s bamboo woods. This real bear has a common ancestor with the Ursidae family, but the two families separated around 1.9 million years ago, making it a living fossil.

Asian elephant

Asian elephant
Asian elephant

Although smaller than its African counterpart, the Asian Elephant is the largest of the continent’s terrestrial animals. The Indian, Sumatran, and Sri Lankan subspecies are the three. It weighs 11,000 pounds and has a length of 21 feet (6.4 meters) and a height of 11.5 feet (3.5m). This species is on the Endangered Species List. The Asian elephant is threatened by habitat loss and poaching, among other factors. Elephants of both sexes are hunted for their ivory, while male Asian elephants are hunted for use in traditional Asian medicine.

Indian cobra

Indian cobra
Indian cobra

The Indian cobra (also known as the Asian cobra) is one of Asia’s “Big Four” poisonous snakes, accounting for most snake bites in Southeast Asia. (The common krait, Russell’s viper, and saw-scaled viper are the other members of the big four.) The Indian cobra is well-known for being the snake utilized in traditional Indian snake charmer performances. The species may be found in various environments in the wild, including woods, shrublands, and rice paddies.

Asian Golden Cat

Asian Golden Cat
Asian Golden Cat

The Asian golden cat, sometimes known as the Asiatic golden cat, is a wild cat found in areas of India, Bangladesh, China, Thailand, and Malaysia. The species may be found on the Indonesian island of Sumatra. The Asian golden cat is mostly found in forests, although it may also be in savannas and grasslands. It’s a medium-sized cat that’s around two or three times the size of a domestic cat. The Asian golden cat has a golden-brown coat, as its name indicates. It has distinguishing pale and dark patterns on its face.



The tiger is the biggest animal in the Felidae family. Despite being one of the most well-known creatures on the planet, the tiger has a natural population of only 3,200 adults. Tigers is also included inn the list of fastest land animals with a running speed of 49–65 km/h. Tigers may survive in various environments, including tropical and boreal woods. Most wild tigers may be found in southern Asia, while there is a distinct population in Siberia.

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Water Buffalo

Water Buffalo
Water Buffalo

In Asia and many other regions, the water buffalo, sometimes known as the Asian water buffalo, is a common domestic animal. Bubalus, the wild water buffalo, is assumed to have developed from the species, which is currently endangered and only found in a few areas in South and Southeast Asia. Wild and domesticated water buffaloes are members of the Bovidae family of cattle.

Wild Bactrian Camel

Wild Bactrian Camel
Wild Bactrian Camel

The wild Bactrian camel belongs to the Camelidae family of camels. Camels and similar animals such as llamas and alpacas belong to this family. The wild Bactrian camel is a near descendant of the Bactrian camel, a domesticated Asian mammal that dates back at least 4,000 years. The wild and domesticated Bactrian camels have two humps, but the dromedary, the third member of the Camelus genus, has just one.



There are domestic and wild yaks, just as domestic and wild water buffalo. One of Asia’s most recognizable and included in the top 10 Asian Animals is the domestic yak. It is a large, strong animal that is ridden and used to haul farm machines. The yak has several adaptations for living at high elevations, including huge lungs and blood that can transport much oxygen. Several thousand years ago, the yak was tamed. It is descended from the wild yak, which may still be found in China and India’s alpine meadows and tundra.

Snow Leopard

Snow Leopard
Snow Leopard

The snow leopard is a mountainous wild cat that may be found in Central and South Asia. The tiger, lion, jaguar, and leopard all belong to the genus Panthera, yet the leopard is the only member of this group that cannot roar. The snow leopard is well-equipped to survive and hunt on desolate, snow-covered mountainsides, with a thick, white-grey coat that offers both stealth and insulation and huge, hairy paws for walking on snow.

Saltwater Crocodile

Saltwater Crocodile
Saltwater Crocodile

The saltwater crocodile is the biggest living reptile and the greatest land predator on the planet. It may be found around the coasts of South and Southeast Asia, New Guinea and Australia. Male saltwater crocodiles may grow over 6 meters (20 feet) long and weigh up to 1,300 kilograms (2,900 pounds). The saltwater crocodile, like other crocodiles, is an ambush predator that waits for food to come within range of its formidable jaws by lying submerged in the water.



Howard White

My name is Howard. I am a freelancer by profession.